Monday, August 24, 2009

Making Dreams Come True

Anyone out there starting your first day of college, or maybe your very last year of high school? Maybe you've got kids going off to their first day of elementary school. If so, I bet you were excited and anxious as you went to bed the night before classes began!

It's kind of like a little kid going to Disney World, a quarterback getting ready for the big game, or a singer thinking about performing in front of hundreds of people.

I know just how it fact I had that same problem last night, even though I've been a college student for almost 1,100 days! So why am I still tossing and turning before the first day of class? I can honestly say, on my LAST, first day of school, I'm more excited than ever. Sure I'll miss college like crazy, but the opportunities I'll find along the way will motivate me to take that giant leap in May.

Whether it's agriculture or finance, journalism or healthcare, students with passion and great training will succeed no matter what. Click here so I can tell you how exciting it is to dream about the future!

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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Ready to Rock & Roll!

I can't tell you how exciting it was for me to wake up this morning to see comments posted from last night! Now I've got so many thoughts for potential posts it's just overwhelming.

I don't want to fool you by suggesting I'm new to this whole blogging thing. I've already tested the waters, and it all started with a trip to Nashville, Tennessee. In a partnership with Monsanto, I showcased the happenings of a conference called Commodity Classic, through the eyes of U.S. farmers and leaders in agriculture.

Soon after, I started coordinating a professional development blog for the Career Services office of my college. Oh, and there's a third blog I oversee that provides information for future students of the college. However, I've got to be the first to admit this last one has been more than neglected.

So there you have it. I've got an idea about blogs. What I don't have experience with is the personal tell-it-how-I-see-it blog. And that's the thing that's got me in a tizzy. Being out-going and often out-spoken, I've struggled to relate to my self-concious and shy counterparts. The what-if-they-don't-like-me mentality just hasn't been a thought that has crossed my mind. Until now. Now, as I push my ideas and beliefs out on the big World Wide Web for strangers to see.

But here's my goal: To provide meaningful and thought-provoking content in hopes of entertaining and educating.

I know what you're thinking, here's another blogger coming up with a cliche mission. I'll give you that, and even agree it might be too vague. Here's the deal though...I've got a passion for life that's unstoppable. You'll see it in my posts. I hope you'll learn as much from my passion as I plan to get out of sharing it with you.

I promise to write each post to help readers fulfill one of these objectives:
a) learn something new
b) love life

If I hit that target, I'll chalk this venture up as a success. Ladies and gentlemen, it's showtime!

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Sparking the Blogger

I've never been one to shy away from tension, which is the spark behind this blog. It's coming to you after a heated disagreement with my roommate about something I'm quite passionate about. You guessed it: agriculture.

So here I am, funneling my emotions into a productive use of my sleepless time. I'm consumed by our argument, not because I want her to change her mind, but because I want her to at least see all sides of the issues. Her main interest? Animal rights.

Now, after two years living together and endless stories about the farm, why doesn't she understand how much I care about my livestock? How can she think animal rights groups are actually trying to make her dog's life better?

I'm scared to death to see my closest friends and family, who've grown up on farms or in rural communities, have been fooled by myths and untruths circulating around these days.

So what's the roomie's deal? A closed mind. (Ironic, considering that's the slam I always hear against agriculture.) She's not even willing to hear my side. Like I said, I'm not asking for her to reform to my beliefs. All I'd like is a civil conversation to learn from each other. I've come to find that's certainly not something she's interested in. Hard to believe, huh?

So here I am, turning to the Internet to tell my story in hopes that it will reach people who actually care to learn more. One thing's for sure, I'll learn more just by initiating and moderating dialogue. Not to mention, writing is my secret weapon when I get upset. So there you have it, when in doubt, I can post when I'm stressed or can't sleep.

Hopefully my interactions with family, friends, and strangers will provide educational and entertaining reading for anyone willing to join me on this adventure!

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